Pivot Point Announces New Marketing Lead

March 31st, 2022


Pivot Point International, the professional beauty industry’s premier educational resource, announces that Steve Reiss has joined their team as Executive Director, Strategic Marketing & Business Insights. Steve will be responsible for driving awareness and adoption of data-driven products and services that purposefully engage and support beauty professionals and will report directly to Kevin Cameron, Senior Vice President, Education, Marketing & Business Development.

Previously, Steve has led marketing and communications at companies in electronics, packaging, commercial woodworking, and professional beauty, managing websites, conferences and trade shows, research, custom content, and award-winning social media and cause marketing campaigns. In beauty, Steve has been a passionate

industry advocate and agent of change focused on elevating our industry through data and technology. Steve was involved in the hard launch of SalonInteractive, the leading supply chain and eCommerce platform for salons and stylists and, at Modern Salon Media, he championed salon industry data and technology awareness, education, and adoption, developing much of the industry’s critical research and creating the industry’s first technology events – the Data-Driven Salon Summit and the Salon Digital Summit. Steve attended the University of Virginia and is a recent graduate of Northwestern University’s Data Science and Visualization program.

“We are confident that Steve’s foundation in data science and his strategic marketing experience will allow Pivot Point to continue to lead innovation in beauty education services,” said Robert Passage, Pivot Point Chairman & CEO.

Steve’s LinkedIn Profile

Pivot Point For All

PIVOT POINT INTERNATIONAL, INC. | 8725 West Higgins Road | Suite 700 | Chicago, IL 60631 | 847-866-0500


Why Stylists Love Pivot Point Training Heads

December 20th, 2021

When looking for hair education tools, it’s important to ensure you find a product that offers the best quality. There is nothing more frustrating than having your skills held back by tools that don’t make the cut!

So, here at Salons Direct we always make sure that we are bringing you leading training equipment and hair supplies – including a brilliant range of Pivot Point training heads!

Click here to see some of our favourite stylist creations using Pivot Point!

What are Pivot Point Training Heads?

Pivot Point training heads are high-quality handmade mannequins that are perfect for both trainee hairdressers and stylists looking to learn some new techniques – or just practice some old ones!

They feature 100% human hair which has achieved an SA8000 certification. This ensures all hair used is ethically produced in sanctioned conditions which fully guards against any unfair practices, pays fair wages, provides health insurance and provides a safe and healthy working environment.

The Pivot Point range includes an array of hairstyles, with varying lengths and colours to choose from. Unlike some other training heads on the market, Pivot Point’s hair length is measured with a 90-degree projection to give a more realistic idea of the length – rather than simply measuring from crown to tip.

Pivot Point Mannequin Hair Measurements

We asked Pivot Point to give us some more information on how to use their training heads…

What makes Pivot Point heads different from other training heads on the market?

There are a combination of factors that make Pivot Point a really great product. We use premium quality hair that is processed slowly to produce the desired colour while maintaining natural elasticity and shine. It is then hand-implanted at natural angles to ensure it is as realistic as possible. We use more holes per cm2 with fewer hairs for a better density distribution, too.

In addition, we like to be honest about the hair we use. Many of our competitors simply state they use ‘natural hair’ – which could be from any animal! We are always open about when we use human hair vs animal hair – in fact, the goat hair we use is actually stronger than human hair and allows for more vibrant colouring!

Can colour and heat tools be used on all your Pivot Point training heads?

Yes. Apart from Peggy B, which is part synthetic, all the mannequins we sell in the UK are either 100% human, 100% goat hair or a mixture of both. Always read and follow the instructions that come with the mannequins.

Do you have any tips on how to best take care of your Pivot Point Training Heads?

We always advise that our mannequins are treated like humans. Humans can say ‘ouch’ but mannequins cannot!

  • Wash and condition the mannequins hair using good quality products. Rinse with warm/cool water.
  • Use styling products and heat protecting products when normally used.
  • Wash regularly to avoid a build up of hair spray and other products that could cause the hair to be dry and could therefore create more pull on the hair
  • On the long hair mannequins, gradually brush through from the tip first, moving up the hair to avoid excessive pull on the hair.
  • Always do a strand test before colouring

Do you have any advice for stylists on how to choose a training head to suit their needs? 

Most people tend to look for longer hair than they really need. The longer hair is exponentially more costly and is too often simply too heavy and long to work with compared to real clients.

Ask yourself this:

  • Do I need 40cm length hair for haircutting? Or will a premium quality mannequin with top quality hair of 30 cm length, with natural density and low implantation angles enable me to comfortably do 4-6 distinctly different haircuts?
  • Do I need to practice long hair updo’s on mannequins with 50cm length, which doesn’t reflect 99% of the customers I have in the salon?

May 22, 2020 | SalonsDirect

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